- 14岁以下和80岁(含)以上的申请人,如果没有美国签证拒签史,则可通过代传递服务申请签证。申请人必须为中国公民或居民且本人在中国。
- 您以前的美国签证在到期后48个月之内进行续签。
1、My DS160 application form confirmation page has been included in the application. DS160申请表确认页
2、My photo was taken less than six months ago and has not been previously used.
My photo is in color with a white background, and I am facing forward.
My photo is 2 in. by 2 in. (51mmX51mm).
My photo shows my full face, neck, and ears. If I am wearing glasses, there is no glare.
My photo has not been digitally altered and I am not wearing colored contacts.
一张照片: 2寸正方形(51mm x 51mm)彩色正面证件照,正面照,最近六个月内拍摄,白色背景。
3、 My passport will be valid for at least six months beyond my intended period of stay.
护照: 护照有效期需超出在美预定停留期至少六个月;
4 、I have already provided all fingerprints with a previous visa application
5 、Drop Box Confirmation Letter文件提交信并签字
F1 Applicants:F1学生签证续签所需材料:
- I have verified that my current SEVIS status is Initial or Active, and Paid
申请人确认自己已经交过SEVIS fee 200美金
- I have submitted an original I-20, signed by the school within the last year (F-visa).
- I have submitted unsealed, official transcripts from the U.S. school that I most recently attended (F-visa ) 提交美国教育机构所授课程的官方成绩单,请确保装有这些资料和文件的信封必须是打开的
- Research/study plans with detailed information about your planned studies or research in the United States, including the name and e-mail address of your advising professor and/or the head of your department in the United States.
- A resume/CV that provides detailed information about your past academic and professional experience, including a complete list of all publications to which you have contributed.
- An advisor’s biography, CV, or webpage printout (for graduate students who have already been assigned an advising professor at their U.S. institution).
B2 签证续签所需材料:
Travelers: Include a copy of the invitation letter, itinerary。
旅客: 需提供的文件包括:一份邀请函或行程表